Bibliographic Sources for DEEP
The main bibliographic sources for DEEP are listed here by field. These sources may be supplemented by additional scholarship, in which case the relevant work is cited in the Additional Notes for the DEEP record. Abbreviations are listed here.
Author (Modern Attribution): based on BritDrama, supplemented by NOSAC and MiddTxC.
Company of First Production (Annals): based on Annals.
Company of First Production (BritDrama): based on BritDrama.
Company (Title Page): company names standardized based on BritDrama and Gurr 1996.
Date of First Edition: dates derived from Greg, STC, Wing, and Blayney 2013.
Date of First Production (Annals): based on Annals.
Date of First Production (BritDrama): based on BritDrama.
Dedication: dedicatee names standardized and modernized based on the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and Williams 1962.
Entries in Stationers' Register: transcriptions and dates based on Greg and occasionally on the digitized images of Liber A to Liber F in The Stationers' Company Archive (Adam Matthew); links are to SRO.
Format: based on Greg, STC, and Wing, except that DEEP differs with Greg on large-paper quartos, which Greg calls octavos in quarto format, but which DEEP calls quartos, following Tanselle 2000.
Genre (Annals): based on the classifications in Annals.
Genre (BritDrama): based on the classifications in BritDrama.
Imprint Location: based on the attributions and map coordinates in STC, volume 3.
Leaves: based on Greg, ESTC, and EEBO.
Paratextual Material: Information on most paratexts is derived from Greg and EEBO.
Play Type: based on BritDrama.
Stationer: names standardized and modernized based on STC, volume 3, and Wing, volume 4, and printer attributions supplemented by ascriptions in Greg, STC, Wing, Weiss 1990–2007, and Blayney 2013.
Title: based on BritDrama, Greg, and Annals.
Title-Page Features: transcriptions based on Greg, ESTC, and EEBO.
Variants: informed by Greg, STC, and Wing, but the distinction between "issues" and "states" derives from the theory laid out in Tanselle 1975.
Year Published: based on Greg, STC, Wing, and Blayney 2013.